Monday, March 14, 2011


Aaron Pack -
Kara Knight -
Ben Hickey -
Hannah Zoller -
Allison Hoderle -
Group 5

J10: Our team as a whole was very productive and time efficient. We all took time out of our busy weeks and met up to make our final product. I think everyone did a great job contributing to the project and if changes were needed then people were willing to make our product stronger. Everyone did their sketches, research, and contribution to the project. I think I have always contributed fairly well and was always fair to my group. I always asked for their input and how they would go at the situation. I made sure I did my part of the research and helped with the critical thinking of how our product should be successful. Overall feelings about the project, it was a fun experience! However, I thought our product wasn't too unique however it would be nice to have something like that come straight out of your refrigerator where it already comes cold when you do go to the living room, patio, outdoor events, etc. I really like the design thinking way of how to make things and what factors to consider when making a product.

J09: Personal Documentation

Aaron Pack -
Kara Knight -
Ben Hickey -
Hannah Zoller -
Allison Hoderle -
  • Reflects on the state of the project as a whole. What has your team been working on? What decisions have been made? What directions have you been heading in? How has the team been working, both organizationally and personally? Etc... -- We've been working on the final products and the dimensions of our portable refrigerator. We've been getting together out of class hours and making sure that everyone's on the same page with the product.
  • Reflects on your personal contributions to the project thus far. What roles have you been fulfilling? What have you brought to the table/conversation? What do you feel you have been doing well? What more could you be doing to facilitate the forward progress of the project? General feelings on the project? Etc... -- I have been fulfilling the role of trying to get everyone organized, making sure that everyone is doing their work, and getting everyone's contribution to the project. I think I have been doing well with listening to people's ideas, contributing to my part of the project, and making sure we're all organized for our presentation.
  • Documents the work being done on the project. Do you have scans of sketches you have done? Photographs of work happening? Notes, minutes, outlines, mind-maps, drafts, ideations, images, time-lines, goals, or any other evidence of the project's progress thus far? Etc...-- Yes, we are going to email all the sketches to my email as well as Kara's. So we can start on the presentation slides and have two people work on each topic such as: final product, kiosk, packaging, and the client/user.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Back to Haskett.

The chapters that we had to read about were where is design heading next and summarizes some of the ideas that they have throughout the reading. When I think of technology, I think of South Korea because my family is from there and it's just so crazy to know how much they have advanced within the past 40 years. Geographically, South Korea has no natural resources so they were assumed to be doomed economically but to know that their technology was such a success mind boggles me. As a designer, competing with technology with creativity is going to become harder in the future. Many people think that technology will overtake the design and creativity mind of it and who knows if technology gets too smart and thinks for itself. Are we going to program technology to be able to think for itself? It was always in our society that we had to adapt to technology and that's how we are shaped as a civilization. But I wonder how efficient our technology will be, will it be resourceful, harmful, beneficial? I'm all about designs and technology that will help our environment get better -- and I know the main purpose for technology is to make human life easier, but it should help us in a better way, not make us lazy and let something like technology do everything for us.

J08: Personal Documentation

Group Member Blogs:
  • Aaron Pack -
  • Kara Knight -
  • Ben Hickey -
  • Hannah Zoller -
  • Allison Hoderle -
Our team members decided that we would do a portable refrigerator that were aimed for hunters, adventurous people, outdoor families, etc. The first meeting that we had with our groups, we got a lot of ideas down and already started working on what we should have for next week. I mentioned that we should all come up with sketches and research what our refrigerator would look like because the more input there is then the more we can collaborate together and make this refrigerator a hit. We each have our own vision and once we start to share our ideas we can all have a contribution to the design instead of one person doing all the work. I'm glad that our group is organized and know what assignments they have to do. Although all of our group members weren't there because they either don't show up for class or they're really sick, so I made sure that I would send out an email to everyone to remind them of what we're working on and what direction we're going towards.
My role in our group is - I definitely organized what we should do such as sketches, and mainly gave them questions to think about. Gave everyone an email and a reminder of what to include in their sketches. Although, this will be a hard concept to come up with, I believe that our group is creative enough to figure something out. By helping them with questions and things to think about, hopefully they will take my advice and curiosity and take it to the next level.
Documents - I told everyone to source their ideas and to bring in whatever they thought would help our group in designing this product. I think ever since Monday, we had a general idea of how we wanted to look like, it's just going to take some research on the dimensions that fits best for our clients. I'm going to keep bringing in my laptop and constantly research more ideas on how we can improve our product.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Course Reflection:

Last week we had guest speakers come in and talk to us about their project. They were called Cobego and their presentation were tips on how to succeed in design. Their project issue was about tissues, and they brainstorm ideas, and try to validate them. They also come up with solutions with the problem or situation. There were other issues as well that they went over and it was just really interesting to think about these kind of topics.

One of our assignments as well was to find letter shapes in our every day environment. You don't notice these things when you're just going to class everyday but to know that every shape or object that has a letter in it is really creative. These letters influence us not only in our words and writing, but how we see things as well.

RR07: Chapter 4-6.

Cradle to Cradle

Chapter 4: In order to keep the nutrient balance, the topic waste equal foods talks about two systems. Technical - consist of plastics and and metals that may not be returned to the earth and safely biodegraded without harm to the natural system. Technical nutrients can create energy. For example: industries retrieve parts of television sets and other service products from landfills.

Chapter 5: This chapter talked about respect for our diversity, and gave an example of a woman from India that would wash her clothes by her hands and rocks. So a manufacturer decided instead of making products that was one size for all, he would make products at a smaller scale -- because everyone calls for their own special needs. By having this new foundation, companies can now use this foundation for the environment even after use. The book even encourages people to throw their trash on their ground so it can decompose and give something back to the ground.

Chapter 6: Putting Eco-Effectiveness into Practice: There's five guiding principles -- 1.) Get "free of" known culprits, 2.) Follow informed personal preferences, 3.) Creating a "passive positive" list, 4.) Activate the positive list, Step 5.) Reinvent.

J07: Online Scavenger Hunt

3 images of possible home goods:
all images from

5 links Manufacturers or Retailers who specialize in outdoor camping and recreation products:
3 images of trade show/ exhibition booths from the outdoor recreation and sport industry:

5 Manufacturers or Retailers who specialize in Indoor Home Good Products:
3 images trade show / exhibition booth of Indoor Home Good Products:

Indoor Home Good Definition:
Products that are used to improve home quality
with resources that are eco-friendly or efficient.